Category: South America

Peru Fast Facts

Peru Fast Facts

Peru is located in South America, bordering Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. The third largest country on the continent is rich in culture, nature and beautiful landscapes. The Andes, the Amazon, rainforests –...

Geography of Uruguay

Geography of Uruguay

General information about Uruguay The official name is the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (Republica Oriental dee Uruguay). Uruguay is the smallest country in South America, located in its southeastern part. It is 4 times...

Merida, Venezuela

Koche and Merida, Venezuela

KOCHE The island, 11 km long and 6 km wide, is inhabited by about 10,000 people. The people live mainly off the sea, exporting shrimp, sardines and other fish. The island has good roads...

Emigration to Brazil 2

Emigration to Brazil Part II

Travel and Visa Changed travel regulations during and after the corona pandemic Entry and transit of foreigners by air are generally permitted. Travelers entering or passing through Brazil are required to provide the airline...

Emigration to Brazil 1

Emigration to Brazil Part I

Area: 8,515,770 km² Residents: 208,360,000 (December 2017) Population density: 24 E / km² Form of Government: Federal Republic of Government: Presidential democracy Neighboring countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana Capital: Brasília National language: Portuguese Religions: 73.6 Roman Catholic, 15.4% Protestant, 1.3%...

South America Climate

South America Climate

What most distinguishes South America from North America is the great diversity of environments depending on the climate. Virtually all terrestrial climates are represented in South America according to countryaah. This in relation to...

Colca Canyon

Places to Visit in Peru

Machu Picchu The forgotten Inkaby Machu Picchu is clearly the biggest draw, for touring Peru. Machu Picchu is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as one of the seven wonders of the world,...

Languages ​​in Antarctica

Antarctica – the 7th Continent

A completely unique journey to the frozen continent For those who dream of visiting the 7th continent of the globe, and who are at the same time extremely price-conscious, we have gathered the highlights...

Brazil's Regional Contrasts

Brazil’s Regional Contrasts

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world in territorial extension, with approximately 8,547,403 km 2 . Only four countries are bigger than Brazil: Russia, Canada, China and the United States. Some...

Mato Grosso do Sul

Mato Grosso do Sul

Known for the dynamism of its agriculture, the state of Mato Grosso do Sul has exuberant fauna and flora, especially in the Pantanal region , a destination for visitors from all over the world....

Hunger in Brazil 3

Hunger in Brazil Part 3

Primary Health Care Program As a specific policy, it is possible to mention the implementation of the food card and the expansion of school lunches. The distribution of emergency basic food baskets for specific...

Hunger in Brazil 2

Hunger in Brazil Part 2

Solidarity against hunger Brazil has hundreds of entities to fight hunger, of all kinds. From income generation program to the adoption of poor families by paying an allowance. An invisible network of solidarity waiting...

Hunger in Brazil 1

Hunger in Brazil Part 1

The hunger is the food shortages that usually affects a wide expanse of territory and a substantial number of people. Around 100 million people worldwide are homeless; there are 1 billion illiterates; 1.1 billion...